On Sunday July 31st, Speakeasy Gallery & Tattoo is hosting a Motorcycle Run Event raising money for Brothers In Need, an organization supporting veterans. The event is dedicated in memory of Erin Ruffing. The run begins at 10:30am at Speakeasy Gallery & Tattoo located at 119R Foster St. BLDG #3 in Peabody, Ma. Registration begins at 9am (LINK HERE). All participants will be riding to Wally’s Pub on Hampton Beach for lunch. Riders will then head to Brodies Pub in Peabody for the after party starting at 4pm, hosted by Next Generation Concerts with music by Jackie and Jeff DeModena. The event is sponsored by Northeast Munitions, Speakeasy Gallery & Tattoo, Brodies Pub and Bin Sandhills.
Brother In Need Inc is run by volunteers comprised of past and present Army Rangers and affiliates in their spare time. It is a North Carolina-based Non-Profit 501c3 Organization. The charity was started in 2016 by former Army Rangers, who wanted to do what they could to contribute back to the local community. What was once a small gesture, has since grown into a fully functional 501c3 charity. Brothers In Need strives to continue to improve our communities near and far by further partnering with local communities and businesses.
Brodies Pub will be packed with supporters of the run. Along with live music and food, there will be raffles with donations from businesses all around the North Shore including bars, restaurants and Northeast Munitions.
Speakeasy Gallery & Tattoo is owned by Jason Michalak and composed of award winning artists. The shop specializes in styles from black & grey realism to American traditional and new school. The full service studio even provides cosmetic services like eyebrow micropigmentation. This event is the first annual motorcycle organized by the studio. Speakeasy Gallery and Tattoo is raffling off a half day tattoo session. Check out their work here.
For more information about the event please email speakeasygallerypeabody@gmail.com