Bobbi Rockett is an 18-year-old singer-songwriter who has recently launched herself into the Boston Music scene, but the busy summer is over. Great opportunities, like her residency at Boston’s Faneuil Hall, her feature set at the Amvet Harvest Fair, and her appearances at The Biltmore Cafe, have all become amazing memories in an incredible year of firsts. To get to know Bobbi is to welcome the undercurrent of mindful change in energy and focus. With that, Bobbi has shifted. Fall winds have swept through having brought a focus on writing, recording, and releasing new music. Check out her debut single “Cry” available on all streaming platforms now. (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)
“Passing him in the hallway, watching him look past me as if I wasn’t there. It felt like a punch to my stomach.”
Bobbi Rockett
Bobbi’s first single “Cry” was written in response to a recent breakup. After getting her heart broken, she transferred the feelings of pain and confusion into this song. She was tormented by the lack of consideration and respect that she received from this person. She recalled, “Passing him in the hallway, watching him look past me as if I wasn’t there. It felt like a punch to my stomach.” But through her writing process, she overcame and grew both personally and musically. “Cry” is a very personal song that Bobbi wanted to share. She’s hoping that her therapy, this song, can be someone else’s inspiration… Someone else’s vehicle to empowerment.
The Sound
Bobbi’s gentle yet deep vocal tone carries the listener in from the first note. A mixture of cadences that pull from R&B & Pop can be found showcasing long drawn out notes packed with feeling. She tactfully changes to a more modern and rhythmic bounce between syllables. Her soulful voice floats effortlessly over the piano melody and resonates beautifully through the High Hat – Snare combination. She instinctively weaves her way in and out of the verses and choruses, continuing her natural flow throughout the song.
Bobbi gravitates towards artists that share a humbleness about themselves that can be felt in their music. Some of her favorites are Juice World, J Cole, Doja Cat, Kid Laroy and 070 Shake. Smash that together with her cover song set list that brings out influences like Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga and Rhianna, you have the original sound of Bobbi Rockett. Her original music truly embodies her artistry, points of inspiration and emotional responses to the world around her, as she continues to flourish in an ever changing environment.

Getting To Know Bobbi Rockett
To dive into her social media is to read through a sea of gig announcements and to feel the surprising effect of what lies in between. It went something like this: Gig announcement- Biltmore Cafe. Post with her hanging with friends and videos of them doing graffiti in some restricted looking area. Gig Announcement – Color in Sound Series followed by a post showing that Bobbi has started dancing at Phunk Phenomenon. Post with last nights Gig Photos, and apparently today she’s taking a dance yoga work shop. It’s easy to see that Bobbi is an artist in every sense of the word. According to Bobbi, her passion for all things expression is born out of her need to create during any overflow of emotion. She is constantly pushing herself to greater lengths, challenging herself, and remaining committed to her crafts.
As a recent High School Graduate, Bobbi is taking every opportunity she can to grow. When asked how she plans to close out the year, she shared that her next adventure begins in October as she travels to Hawaii for a six-week gap year program to focus on personal growth and reflection. She will participate in yoga, study local agriculture techniques like bee keeping, and even learn to surf! She plans to return from her trip and jump right back into it all and begin recording. She has a list of songs ready to be recorded. Her fascination with the studio process has compelled her to start on the path of producing her own songs. It’s yet another layer of expression that will allow her the freedom to create and capture in real time.
“Trust In The Baby Step.”
Bobbi Rockett
When asked what kind of advice she would give to younger artists looking to begin their music career, she said “Listen to your own inner voice, as you already know what to do. Quiet your mind, meditate, go on walks and when you doubt yourself, have faith and trust in the process. Follow those intuitive urges to write your songs, pick up an instrument and trust in “the baby step.” Even if the process is slow, you’re still moving”
Follow Bobbi Rockett on her next adventure..
LISTEN to “Cry” here on SOUNDCLOUD

“Next Generation Concerts organizes live music events, books musical acts and assists in artist development. We are artists helping artists. “
-Jackie and Jeff DeModena